Friday, November 7, 2008

Scheduling the days

72 days before departure day! My class schedule is now complete. Semester at Sea follows a system similiar to high school where classes are on A and B days instead of a typical university schedule. In addition to that, the ship follows military time in everything, including class schedules. That being said, here you go!

World Geography and the Human Mosaic: Daily 0920-1035

Shakespeare Around the World: B 1045-1200
Military Force and Diplomacy: B 1215-1330

A History of U.S. Immigration Law: A 1045-1200


Mary VoPo said...

A History of US Immigration Law? Sounds either really interesting or REALLY boring...

informatika said...

my name is kosim kosasih
are you want wach my blog

Momster said...

Hey kiddo,
Sounds like you're ready for blast off. Have you gotten in touch with Kosim Kosasih? He(she) might be from India. Love, Mom