Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's all in the details...

44 days to go. Colorado State has all the study abroad students attending orientations, finalizing details, and memorizing emergency contact information. I have started to pack three times and then realized that I still have over a month before leaving. So now I only mentally pack. Strangely...every time I mentally pack, I forget my toothbrush.

This is the final push. One more week of classes, one week of finals, and then a little work between me and the Bahamas. I rotate between periods of excitement and moments of extreme insecurity. Going to a student orientation that had a focus on the cost to bring my dead body back to the United States really didn't help.

And so I get through those moments by mentally repacking and planning out another part of the trip. I have a list of random stuff to bring (like water guns for my Mount Vesuvius trip and bollywood soundtracks for India). 44 days until I sail out of the Nassau harbor. Anyone else excited?


Mary VoPo said...

It the water gun yellow? It should be yellow :P

Momster said...

I'm excited too.

Kendra said...

Of course the water gun is yellow! The real question is how I will get it through Italian customs...

And hurrah for mom + technology! <3

Unknown said...

Yahoo, Kendra!!!!!!!!!